| The Meissner firm is currently investigating the Oppenheimer Core Bond Fund (OPIGX, OIGBX, OPBCX, OPBYX, and OPBNX). The Oppenheimer Core Bond Fund was promoted as a conservative fund, appropriate for “long-term investment.” However, contrary to such representations, the Fund assumed a level of risk that directly conflicted with its stated investment strategy. As a result of its undisclosed and risky investments, the Core Bond Fund lost more than 35 percent of its value in 2008 and another 10 percent in the first three months of 2009; by comparison, similar bond funds actually gained 4%. According to Morningstar, such significant losses were a result of the management teams’ decision to take big bets on mortgage-backed securities and credit default swaps. As opposed to conservative investments, Angelo Manioudakis, the former manager of the Oppenheimer Core Bond Fund, invested in a large amount of toxic and illiquid mortgage-backed securities and other risky and highly complex structured finance deals, without disclosing such to investors. According to Morningstar, there was nothing in the annual report that would have alerted shareholders to the amount of risk they were assuming or of the sort of strategies the funds were engaging in. Rather than clearly disclosing the risks and strategies associated with the Fund, as is required, Oppenheimer President John Murphy was telling investors that “OppenheimerFunds has consistently focused its business on one main tenet: do what’s best for our shareholders” (from the January 31, 2008 Semiannual Report for Rochester National Municipals) and that “our expectations are for a very modest rebound in the second half of 2008 . . . . you need to realize that you’re in good hands” (from the July 31, 2008 Annual Report for Rochester National Municipals). Investors of the Core Bond Fund were misled about the safety of the fund and were not adequately warned when the fund took extreme risks in violation of the Fund’s stated investment policy. Whether you have invested in the Oppenheimer Core Bond Fund directly, at the advice of OppenheimerFunds’ financial advisors, or through their 529 college savings plans, such as those in Oregon, Texas, Maine, Illinois and New Mexico, or through their retirement plans or annuities, you may be entitled to recover damages as a result of fund managers’ failure to adequately disclose the extent of risk they were exposed to. Please contact the Meissner firm, which is nationally known for its record win statistics in FINRA Arbitration, for a free consultation. |