February 06, 2025

Expert Testimony consulting for other firms

Providing Outside Counsel to Other Law Firms
Securities – Commercial – Litigation

Meissner Associates , a New York securities arbitration law firm, also accepts of counsel assignments for other law firms.

The Meissner firm has worked as outside counsel on a wide range of civil and commercial litigation cases, with emphasis on matters relating to businesses regulated by the New York State Attorney General’s office, the FINRA, and the SEC.

Because of Mr Meissner’s experience with the Financial Crimes Unit and the Securities Investor Protection Bureau of the AG’s Office, other law firms call upon Attorney Meissner and his firm to assist them with other cases.

Contact a skilled securities law consultant knowledgeable about New York State business regulations.

Call Stuart D. Meissner at (212) 764-3100.

Some of the cases for which
Mr. Meissner can serve as outside counsel involve:

  • Financial fraud
  • Consumer fraud
  • Fraudulent sales practices
  • Securities registration issues
  • Broker fraud Embezzlement
  • Securities fraud
  • Market manipulation
  • Insider trading
  • Internet investment scams
  • Other internet crimes


Attorney Meissner is known for his knowledge and skills in cases related to securities law and commercial litigation matters. The firm assists other law firms both as a paid consultant and as a paid testimonial expert on a variety of matters including Attorney General Investigations, Securities Arbitration issues, and Martin Act investigations. Contact the Meissner firm for experienced legal consultants and litigators in commercial matters.

Call the law firm of Meissner Associates at (212) 764-3100 or use the convenient contact form. Submitting the contact form to the Meissner firm, its attorneys or employees does not create an attorney-client relationship.

*Disclaimer: Prior results cannot and do not guarantee or predict a similar outcome with respect to any future matter, including yours, in which a lawyer or law firm may be retained. The information you obtain at this site is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. You should consult an attorney for individual advice regarding your own situation.

Meissner Associates is a New York City securities law attorney who also provides legal consulting, securities law consulting, and litigation support to other law firms in New York and beyond

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